

网络 2022-09-22 04:04

秋季健康小贴士第 1 部分




































秋季健康小贴士第 4 部分




















9 月 29 日是世界心脏日。数据显示,心血管疾病每年在我国造成约350万人死亡,每10秒就有一人死亡,堪称健康杀手。但从某种意义上说,凶手是你自己。 ①抽烟喝酒; ②不规律的睡眠; ③熬夜上网; ④你经常吃油腻的食物吗? 都加重了心脏的负担。从今天开始,为自己的心改掉坏习惯。 9月29日晚,温州116路公交车上,一对夫妇将婴儿车放在过道上。司机觉得会影响到其他乘客,于是就往回走。双方争执中,女乘客突然上前扇了司机一巴掌。司机下意识躲闪,导致车辆失控撞到路边,连撞三辆车。警方目前正在调查中。


9月26日,昆明明通小学发生踩踏事故,造成6人死亡,多人受伤。 9月29日,昆明市政府新闻办发布消息称,公安机关对明通小学校长李兰、分管校园安全工作副校长杨琳、李鹏程三人提出指控,一名体育教师,涉嫌教育设施发生重大安全事故。拘留。

自2015年起,湖北省艺术类高考各门类专业实行全省统一考试。 28日,省教育考试院发布了2015年艺术考试大纲。除艺术与设计外,还有音乐学、舞蹈、戏剧与影视表演、广播主持、广播电视编导、服装表演等六个专业。这是全省首次发布统一考试大纲。详见省教育考试院网站。






秋季小贴士,秋季养生小贴士_秋季养生小贴士 Part 6


秋天的天气越来越凉,雨少,空气干燥。祖国医学认为,燥热伤肺。因此,在秋季,人们容易出现口干舌燥、咽痛、干咳、眼干等症状。同时,对于秋冬季节的女性朋友来说,空气湿度低,使皮肤显得干燥紧绷,表皮可能会出现龟裂、脱皮甚至发痒。 ,皮肤弹性下降,变得暗淡无光。因此,秋季饮食要注意以下几个方面:

一、秋季,空气湿度低,风大,人体汗液蒸发快,皮肤容易干燥,容易出现维生素缺乏现象;因此,秋季宜多喝水,可以保持体内水分代谢的平衡,防止皮肤干燥。 .


三、 多吃豆类等高蛋白植物性食物,少吃油腻、味道浓郁的食物。饮食上要尽量少吃葱、姜、蒜、韭菜、辣椒等辛辣食物,不宜多吃烤肉,以防秋燥症状加重。宜吃营养丰富、易于消化吸收的食物,如鱼、瘦肉、鸡蛋、奶制品、豆类、鸭肉、鸡肉等食物。








儿童秋季健康小贴士第 7 部分


健康生活小贴士第 8 部分

1、【上班族必看】1.绿茶降低辐射影响; 2.绿豆可以排出体内有毒物质; 3.蘑菇是最强的抗辐射食物; 4.黑芝麻提高细胞免疫力,抗辐射;5.海带抑制免疫细胞凋亡;6.大蒜提高免疫力,减少辐射损伤; 7.西红柿减少皮肤辐射损伤;8.辣椒保护细胞 DNA 免受辐射损伤。

2、【衣服怎么收纳,你做对了吗? 】棉麻:必须洗涤、晾干、折叠平整。最好将白色和深色分开。丝绸:用棉布覆盖或包裹。不要把樟脑丸放在容易变黄的白色衣服里。毛纺:应悬挂存放,而不是堆放。化学纤维:人造纤维要平放,不能悬挂,合成纤维不要放在卫生球里。是时候换季了,是时候整理你的衣服了!

3、选择合适的时间吃水果:①早上最好:苹果、梨、葡萄等②饭前不吃:樱桃番茄、橘子、山楂、香蕉等③饭后,你应该选择:菠萝、木瓜、猕猴桃、橙子、山楂等。富含大量的有机酸,可以增加消化酶的活性,帮助消化。 ④ 晚上安神,吃龙眼。秋季养生小贴士_秋季养生小贴士

4、 你知道什么会偷走你的健康吗:1、酒精会“偷走”维生素 B1。 2、香烟“偷”维生素C。3、高温和低温“偷”多种维生素。 4、抗生素“窃取”正常菌群。 6、电脑“偷”了维生素A。7、运动“偷”了维生素E,所以剧烈运动后需要适量补充维生素E。赶紧转发给身边的人吧。

5、 剩菜不要吃太久,最好不要在两餐之间。最好在五六个小时内吃完。存放时间过长,食物中的细菌会释放出加热无法去除的化学毒素

6、 用豆浆打鸡蛋的做法是不科学的。鸡蛋中的粘液蛋白很容易与豆浆中的胰蛋白酶结合,产生一种人体不能吸收的物质,大大降低了人体对营养物质的吸收

7、 避免使用保温瓶装豆浆:豆浆中含有可以去除保温瓶水垢的物质。如果温度合适,可以用豆浆作为营养。瓶子里的细菌大量繁殖,3~4小时豆浆就可以腐臭。恶化

8、 包装好的食物必须回锅:冰箱的温度只能抑制细菌的繁殖,不能完全杀死它们。因此,冰箱里的食物取出后一定要放回锅里。否则可能会导致不适,例如痢疾或腹泻


10、 蜂蜜促进酒精的分解和排泄,保护肝脏。酒后喝一些蜂蜜水可以缓解因大量饮酒引起的头痛。制作零食时,也可以用蜂蜜代替糖来达到解酒效果。

11、 十种健康生活方式:少吃肉、晒太阳、雨中散步、经常唱歌、饭后休息、挺胸、打坐、享受家庭生活、走路坐车、做好事行为。科学健康,身心健康!


13、【秋季七大健康食品】 ①第一水果:梨。 Adhere to eating a certain amount of pears every day, can relieve autumn dryness, promote body fluid and moisten the lungs. ② The first nut: peanuts. It can moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, nourish and regulate qi, clear the throat and relieve cough. ③ The first porridge: Lily porridge. ④ The first supplement: Chinese yam. ⑤ The first drink: rice wine. ⑥ The first meat: cuttlefish. ⑦ The first dish: lotus root. May you be healthy!

14、 [How to treat cervical spondylosis] I recently learned 2 tricks to completely cure spondylosis. The core is cervical spine muscle exercise. In the morning, I insist on 2 exercises: 1. Stand with your feet shoulder-to-shoulder and look up. , raise the hand high, and rotate the arm back 360 degrees, a total of 50 times. 2. Keep your back close to the wall, lift your hands up against the wall, and then drop back, back and forth 30 times. It only took 5-10 minutes to wrap and it was fantastic.

15、 [10 Bad Habits That Harm Your Health] 1、 Go to bed after a meal; 2、 Breakfast and lunch combined into one; 3、 Relax your belt after a meal ;4、Get up and fold the quilt first;5、Squint and rub your eyes;6、Forbear urination;7、Wipe pots, bowls, pots, cups, etc. with a towel Cutlery and fruit; 8、Don’t wash your face before going to bed; 9、Eat sugar on an empty stomach; 10、Life is too stressful. May you be healthy!

16、 Sleepy in autumn, refreshed, sunbathe more, feel good, eat less spicy food, eat more custard, don’t feel tired, fresh fruits and vegetables, refreshing effect, wink frequently, protect your eyes well Fang, half an hour later, look out of the window, brush your hair often, relax your brain, stretch, and feel comfortable, aerobic exercise, brisk walking and jogging, enough sleep, it is very important, care is sent, I wish you good health!

17、 [When you use a computer, you need to wash your face after 3 hours] Most people are used to "working on a computer at work, and relaxing on the Internet at home", but few people realize that a computer is actually a computer The "gentle knife" makes people grow old secretly. After long-term contact with the computer, there will be an "electrostatic vacuuming" effect. It is recommended that you wash your face after using the computer for about 3 hours, just use water. Remember to share with your friends!

18、 Crab season in autumn, cold and cold hurts the spleen and stomach, ginger is warm and can turn cold, cook crabs and put ginger slices, steam and stir-fry for fresh taste, drink ginger water after eating crabs, chew some ginger The slices also ward off the cold, eat crabs reasonably and warm the stomach, enjoy delicious food and stay healthy!

19、 "[How to Overcome "Autumn Fatigue"] Sleeping to overcome "Autumn Fatigue" will actually make you sleepier and more sleepy. To overcome "Autumn Fatigue", you need to make reasonable adjustments in your daily routine, including getting up , diet and exercise, etc. Go to bed early and get up early, eat more fruits and vegetables. Adhere to outdoor activities, playing ball, practicing boxing, dancing, etc., can help to get rid of the trouble of "autumn fatigue". I wish you no lack of sleep in autumn and good spirits every day !"

20、 8 taboos for eating watermelon in summer: 1、If you have diabetes;2、If you have renal insufficiency;3、If you just caught a cold;4、@ >If you have mouth ulcers;5、If you are pregnant, it is best to eat watermelon carefully! Even if you are not one of these 5 types, you should pay attention: 6、Do not eat melon before and after meals; 7、Do not eat too much watermelon; 8、Iced watermelon damages your spleen and stomach.

21、 Five tricks to get rid of spring fatigue: 1. tactile stimulation, wash your face with cold water; 2. visual stimulation, enjoy flowers and spring; 3. taste stimulation, bitter and spicy; 4. auditory stimulation, listen to more music; Multiple messages

22、 There are two supplements in spring, and the first supplement is a divine supplement: keep an optimistic attitude, don’t get angry, and affect your anger! The two supplements are food supplements: eat more light and warm foods that can help uprightness and replenish vitality. Health is the foundation of all careers!

23、 Cold in winter can easily cause long-term cough. Take 2 taels of white radish and 2 taels of duck pears, chopped and boiled with water, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to eat, twice a day for 3 days, can clear heat and resolve phlegm.

24、 The weather in spring is hot and cold, and it is fickle. Therefore, it is best to obtain the climate information of the tourist destination in advance, and it is advisable to wear light and warm clothes when traveling. Bring a warm jacket and a folding umbrella with you. or raincoat. In order to prevent gastroenteritis, water and soil acclimatization, and bacterial infection, it is recommended to bring some necessary medicines, such as isatis root, aspirin, pain relief tablets, Weishuping, quick-acting cold capsules, compound licorice tablets, iodine, bandages, etc. People who are prone to allergies also Allergy medicine should be brought to prevent pollen allergy.

25、 The temperature changes in spring, which are easy to cause exogenous symptoms. Pay attention to keeping warm and prevent wind and cold. Eating more vinegar and garlic can help prevent exogenous infections. Those with allergies should stay away from pollen and other allergens. Go outside to breathe fresh air. air

26、 In the severe winter, thyroxine in the human body has a thermogenic effect, and iodine is an indispensable "raw material" for the synthesis of thyroxine. You can eat iodine-rich foods such as kelp, seaweed, and shellfish.

27、 All things recover in spring. In order to comply with the solar terms, health-preserving practitioners should go to bed early, get up early and take more walks; put on hair and undress, soothe the body, and make their minds and spirits comfortable in line with the spring hair growth; Chance of disease invasion in summer

28、 Winter is the season of frequent constipation. Eating kiwi fruit in the morning can cure constipation. Eating more kiwi fruit can also prevent the body from producing too much peroxide, prevent the formation of senile plaques, and delay human aging.

29、 Summer health consultant reminds you: do not exercise too early to avoid affecting sleep; do not exercise too much to avoid affecting consumption; do not drink too cold water to avoid affecting the stomach; do not eat too greasy to avoid affecting the stomach Digestion; do not stress too much, so as not to affect the mood. All in all, hope you are doing well!

30、 "[Summer bath water is suitable for 40 ℃] It is best to keep the temperature of the bath water at around 40 ℃ in summer. In summer, the temperature is high, and the blood vessels around the human body expand. If the bath water is too hot, it will Stimulate the peripheral blood vessels to further congest the blood, the peripheral blood circulation will be larger, the heart load will also increase, and accidents such as fainting are prone to occur. If you take a cold bath, you may experience symptoms such as headache and dizziness. Remember?! "


31、 [Golden point of health in summer] 1.Work and rest time: The best time to sleep should not exceed 12:00; 2.Eat time: The best time for breakfast is one after getting up Another best time to eat is within half an hour to 45 minutes after exercise; 3.tea time: the best time is one hour after a meal; 4、exercise time: the best Exercise time is two hours after dinner.

32、 Eating too fast ice cream causes headaches: The weather is hot, and many people eat ice cream or ice drinks to relieve the heat. But be careful if eating too fast can cause a headache. Ice-cream headache usually occurs within 30 to 60 seconds after a quick cold drink, the pain is located in the middle of the forehead, and the tingling occurs within 10 to 20 seconds. It's comfortable to eat cold drinks in hot weather, but don't eat frozen food too quickly.

Autumn Health Tips SMS Part 9

1、 Autumn health tips: Drink more warm soups to help nourish the stomach and warm the kidneys. Climbing and jogging exercises can help clear the lungs, strengthen the brain and enhance blood circulation. Occasionally taking a cold shower can regulate body functions and improve cold resistance.

2、 Three stages of health preservation in autumn: In early autumn, the taste of cravings should be reduced in acrid and acidified to nourish liver qi. The Mid-Autumn Festival is hot, the climate is dry, and it is easy to get tired. At this time, you should eat more fresh and less oily foods. The incidence of myocardial infarction increased significantly in late autumn. Pay attention to the intake of foods rich in protein, magnesium and calcium in the diet.

3、 Sub-health, don’t worry, autumn health care reminds you: eat dried fruit, more fruits and vegetables, it is amazing to restore physical strength; eat eel, fried pork liver, eye fatigue can be relieved; nuts, brain is good, nutrition Nourishing can't compare. May you be healthy!

4、 Chestnuts are the first choice for health care in autumn. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in chestnuts can effectively prevent and treat hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis and other diseases. .

5、 Autumn health small action: open both eyes, slowly move the eyeballs up and down, left and right, far and near each 18 times, and then turn clockwise and counterclockwise 18 times each. It can improve eyesight and prevent eye diseases.

6、 Autumn is here and the weather is dry, remember to eat red dates every day; lily cooking moisturises the lungs, and a cup of wolfberry is good for spirit; drink more cassia seeds at work, and don’t always look at the computer; apples and grapes are treasures, and health in autumn Indispensable!

Autumn health tips_Autumn health tips Autumn health tips_Dinner plan: porridge, 1 steamed bun, fruit, small portion of rice, noodles with free combination Hurry up, the following is the "Autumn Tips for Autumn Health Tips_Autumn Health Tips" for you, I hope you like it! For more resources, please search the work summary channel to share with you!

Good morning!

7、 Four strategies for health care in autumn: mental health care for inner peace and no sadness; daily care care, go to bed early and get up early, don’t work hard; diet care should be more acid and less acrid, and don’t be impatient; exercise care should focus on protecting the lungs and fitness , don't be lazy.记住!

8、 1234567, mashed potatoes with red bean and pumpkin; 7654321, stewed hen with Angelica and Poria. Autumn health care is very important. Health care is not only to join in the fun, but also to exercise and rest. A small text to remind you: take care of your own body!

9、 Four precautions for health preservation in autumn: cool autumn to prevent colds, wash your face with cold water; to prevent excessive freezing in autumn, add clothes in time; to prevent chapped in autumn, choose skin care products; melons. May the autumn be happy and healthy!

10、 Autumn health care and lung protection, double the function of nourishing yin and preventing dryness; adding clothes in daily life, going to bed early and getting up early to relieve fatigue; cultivate more optimism, feel comfortable and less sad; it is better to eat a moderately acidic diet , it is better to have less spicy food; the principle of tonic should be moisturizing, and the choice of drugs should not be dissipated; there should be no less exercise time, and insist on exercising to protect your health!

11、 Chongyang has passed the late autumn, and the colder morning and evening, don’t be greedy, dress according to the weather, take health care and exercise first in autumn, be open-minded, don’t worry about everything, and have a wide heart and a healthy body. SMS care wishes you a happy and healthy autumn!

12、 秋来临,养生保健要注意:秋季养生要保养体内阳气,可多食用芝麻、糯米等柔润食物,不妨多炖百枣莲子银杏煮粥喝,配山药、马蹄效果更佳。

13、 养生有“八伤”:烦恼伤心,啤酒伤胃,白酒伤肝,吸烟伤肺,思虑伤脾,食多伤肾,疲劳伤神,多欲伤身。 Autumn health care to avoid "eight injuries", I wish you happiness and health.

14、 一阵秋风一阵凉,一地落叶遍地秋,一声问候情义至,一片温暖上心头。 The cold dew has arrived, and I will give you a warm reminder: add clothes to keep you healthy, choose good food in autumn, go to bed early and get up early to be healthy.

15、 秋季降雨少,空气干燥,易引起咽干、鼻燥、肤涩等,应多饮开水、淡茶、菜汤以及牛奶等饮料,多吃些萝卜、番茄、柿子润肺生津、养阴清燥。尚艺XX门店美容部秋季养生短信祝您健康!

16、 秋季要避免熬夜,每晚要保证8小时的睡眠时间,使机体有较强的免疫力,这样才能够轻松度过秋季。尚艺XX门店美容部秋季养生短信祝您健康!

17、 秋季养肺清肺4妙招秘方 宣肺:笑一笑十年少。清肺:适度的深呼吸。护肺:按摩相应的穴位。健肺:适当锻炼运动。尚艺XX门店美容部祝您健康!

18、 处暑时节暑未消,出门防晒要做好;室内通风病菌扫,夜盖薄被防感冒;饮食温补莫忘掉,新鲜蔬果不能少;生活细节很重要,身体健康是王道。祝处暑逍遥!

19、 春养阳,秋养阴,合理进补记在心;食苹果,可生津,开胃除烦又润肺;梨性寒,味甘甜,可防秋燥及哮喘;忌辛辣,宜吃酸,防止肺气损伤肝。 Happy Liqiu!

20、 饭后立即吃冷饮对胃粘膜的刺激很大,尤其是儿童、虚寒体制的女性和老年人的肠胃对冷热十分敏感,极有可能引起胃痉挛、腹泻或消化不良。

21、 立秋到,气候燥,要养身,应趁早。莲雾汁,清肺火,鲜百合,去心热,山楂干,利肝肠,芦荟汁,益胆囊,多喝水,皮肤好,多散步,去烦恼!

22、 立秋时,要尽量少吃葱、姜等,多食酸味果蔬,宜食生地粥,以滋阴润燥。 Edible sesame, glutinous rice, japonica rice, honey, loquat, pineapple, dairy and other soft foods to benefit the stomach and promote fluid.

23、 秋冬养生不间断,营养运动是关键。 Feeling comfortable and peaceful, holding a painting fan but not fanning it. Admire snowflakes and plum blossoms, wash your face with cold water and rub more. Vasospasm and oxygen supply are slow, and health is in the breath. You can add clothes to keep warm, or go for a run. Autumn and winter health care, easy and relaxing.祝你身体健康!

24、 秋防上火,我说你做。 Quit smoking and alcohol, stay up late, and take a break when you are tired. Reading, reading newspapers, playing games, no matter how exciting it is, you will not be addicted. Go to bed early, get up early, exercise early, and run a few laps.拒绝辛辣重口味,青菜豆腐最养胃。如果以上学不会,你就猛灌白开水。心平气和不上火,开开心心过生活!

25、 秋分养生,饮食摄养上因秋属肺金,酸味收敛补肺,辛味发散泻肺,所以秋日宜收不宜散,要尽量少食葱、姜等辛味之品,适当多食酸味甘润的果蔬。

26、 秋风秋雨添秋愁,一杯咖啡一杯酒。酒酣耳热半卷帘,丝雨秋韵满庭院。雨色黄昏是秋晚,添衣捧书意犹倦。索性听雨忆君情,阶前点滴到天明。天高云淡空气鲜,相约闺密荡秋千。品尝秋意宜放松,哪管是雨还是晴。秋季养生,祝君轻松!

27、 秋高气爽最好季节,阳气降低阴气渐长,滋阴补气天天保养,蜂蜜喝水银耳炖汤,早上常喝营养豆浆,出门谨记添加衣裳,秋季养生记在心上,关心问候信息送上,祝愿身体健康强壮,日子过得幸福甜蜜!

28、 秋季健康饮食,短信送你贴心:多吃糙米,强肝健体好处多;多吃水果,营养丰富味道美;多吃香菇,延年益寿大益处。愿你这个金秋健康相拥,幸福满溢! ‘

29、 秋季上火吃菠菜:秋分后很多人易上火,不及时祛火体内毒素会残留过多,引起多种疾病。 When you get angry, you might as well eat a little more spinach, which can benefit the stomach and stomach, and has the effect of antipyretic and alcohol poisoning.

30、 秋季养生重在调养,关键在四个方面:“多事之秋”先调睡眠;秋风秋雨不要秋愁,消除抑郁情绪;调整饮食防秋燥,清补为主;重在养肺、饮食应增酸少辛。

31、 秋季养生注意饮食:饮食以清淡为主,多吃粗粮促肠胃蠕动,少吃过油、过甜、过辣、过咸的食物,少喝甜味饮料,多多运动促进血液循环,愿你健康过秋季!

32、 秋季饮食保健,牢记少辛多酸,护肝抵御肺气,以免沾染疾病;食物质软为佳,易于消化吸收,新鲜果蔬搭配,满足人体所需。愿你秋季健康如意!

33、 秋季燥热惹人恼,养生护好“小心肝”,补充水分是首要,毒素排出是良方,平时多吃青色物,菠菜芥蓝冬瓜强,十点左右睡美觉,午睡一下解疲劳,控制脾气不发火,生气莫超三分钟,坚持锻炼半小时,慢跑游泳羽毛球,枸杞山药玫瑰花,煮粥补气护眼佳,温馨关怀已送上,愿你快乐又安康!

34、 秋日来临果实多,最美数着酸枣果,荒郊野外红一片,采摘艰辛全值过。维生素含量第一名,开胃助消化肠道清,酸甜可口果肉鲜美,果仁煎汤有助睡眠。养生日,祝愿朋友多多收集好资料,择优应用健康保证。

35、 秋天必吃七种菜:莲藕增强免疫力,菠菜预防口角炎,补脾健胃胡萝卜,消除疲劳食豆芽,芹菜促消增食欲,益心强肾小白菜,莴笋平喘润燥多。 May you be healthy!

36、 一阵秋风一阵凉,一地落叶遍地秋,一声问候情义至,一片温暖上心头。 The cold dew has arrived, and I will give you a warm reminder: add clothes to keep you healthy, choose good food in autumn, go to bed early and get up early to be healthy.

37、 眨眼到秋季,天气有凉意,照顾身体要牢记,饮食起居要注意。 You are my friend, and I will never forget you in this life. Although I often do not contact you, I always miss you in my heart. No, I hereby send a short message to convey my blessings. You and I should cherish the love, and the weather will always be good in my heart.

38、 秋季养生忙,秘诀来分享,衣着要鲜艳,困倦一扫光,少穿化纤衣,纯棉是首选,衣服宜宽松,促进血循环,穿薄且多层,保暖效果棒,少穿露肩衣,颈椎最怕凉,秋燥少吃辛,伤肺不值当,吃点酸味物,贴心护肝脏,关怀已送上,快乐又安康!

39、 秋季养生小秘诀:宜收不宜散,早睡早起收气养气。饮食上少食葱、姜等辛辣物,多食酸味甘润的蔬菜水果及润肺生津之物,如百合、银耳、秋梨等。

40、 秋季养生要常笑,笑是一种健身运动,笑能宣发肺气,调节人体气机升降,消除疲劳恢复体力,让肺吸入足量清气呼出浊气,加速血脉运行能使心肺气血调和。

41、 秋季养生要调摄精神,要保持神志安宁,心平气和,静想秋季收获硕果的喜悦,多参加户外活动,以助心旷神怡,开阔胸禁。祝您旅途愉快,一路顺风!

42、 秋季养生有门道,分享给你请记好,早睡早起莫熬夜,适时添衣防受凉,乐观开朗心豁达,避免悲伤养肺忙,酸性食物宜多吃,山楂橘子猕猴桃,银耳百合煲靓汤,秋燥秋乏一扫光,清补正是好时节,鸡汤骨汤是良方,适当增加运动量,慢跑登山坚持棒,温馨关怀已送上,愿你快乐又安康!

43、 重阳已过深秋渐入,早晚愈凉切忌贪口,着装打扮要随气候,秋季养生锻炼为首,胸襟开阔万事莫愁,心宽体健高枕无忧。 SMS care wishes you a happy and healthy autumn!

44、 秋季注意养生,记住五句保重:一句秋季防干燥,滋养补水皮肤好;二句秋季防累困,睡眠充足好精神;三句秋季防感冒,防寒保暖热情高;四句防痢疾,饮食卫生要注意;五句防发胖,合理饮食好健康!

45、 秋来护肤注意:气候渐冷空气干燥,补充水分是个急需;调节饮食多喝开水,煎炸油腻尽量远离;体育锻炼莫要忘记,增强肌肤御寒能力。愿你秋季美丽如意!

46、 秋来天变无常,感冒提早预防。打开门窗通风,开水多喝无妨;早晚盐水漱口,睡前烫脚上床;加强体育锻炼,适时增添衣裳;肥皂洗手消毒,祝你快乐健康!

47、 秋凉莫感冒,健康最重要;笑要开怀笑,青春永不老;遇事别急躁,情绪调节好;累了就睡觉,心情更美妙;常把快乐抱,幸福身旁绕;朋友问候到,关心要记牢。天冷添衣裳莫烦恼,愿你健康快乐往前跑。

48、 秋令保健养肺为先。肺喜润而恶燥,燥邪伤肺。适当多吃些蜂蜜、核桃、乳品、百合、银耳、萝卜、秋梨、香蕉、藕等,少吃辛辣燥热与助火之品。

49、 秋日的风凉凉的,秋日的雨爽爽的,秋日的景美美的,秋日的思念长长的。弹指一挥间,四季又转换,气温已降,天气已凉,提醒朋友保重健康。一日三餐,加强营养,早起早睡,精神清爽,愿你幸福生活长又长。

养生 秋季养生 秋季健康小常识